Wednesday 25 May 2011

Second Post today

I have a couple more photos to show you. One is the wallpaper in this room was really beautiful....the largish rooms lend themselves to wallpaper with a large repeat and I show one example here. Also another bedroom - pinks seem to be popular in this house. Sorry - seem to have posted 2 photos the same - can't get one removed...yet another senior moment.


  1. Thanks for the photos--it's a lovely place! We don't get to see much of these stately homes over here, unless they are featured in another remake of Pride & Prejudice! ;)

  2. It's me again! Just wanted you to know that I've tagged you to receive the Liebster Blog Award! Please check out my blog to see how this works (click on my name above).

  3. Yep, me again! Thank you for the nice comments on my blog. You have in fact been there before--you left some very nice comments on a previous blog hop card. I have visited yor blog to enjoy the very fine calligraphy you do. Keep it coming! And by the way, greetings from Missouri where it is like being in a stadium with thousands of screaming fans due to the 13-year cicada brood hatching right now.
